This image reflects the six steps to complete in order to request SFB funding. Proceed to the text below for detailed instructions.

Overview of Student Funding Board (SFB)

The Student Funding Board (SFB) of George Mason University is a student board that is managed within the Student Involvement Office as a departmental student organization. Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are able to apply for funding through the SFB. These funds, which are funded by the student activity fee, allow students to hold events and programs sponsored by their organization.  The funds must be spent in adherence to Mason’s policies and procedures and the guidelines set by the SFB. Please note, RSOs do not have SFB money automatically in their accounts each academic year. 

The SFB team will assess all SFB applications using the 2024-25 SFB rubric. Make sure you review the 2024-25 SFB rubric, 2024-25 SFB application deadlines and 2024-25 SFB processing times before starting your application.

2024-2025 Important Dates and Processing Times 

The 2024- 2025 Student Funding Board application will open on July 1, 2024. 

In Spring 2025, Student Funding Board’s funding application will close for the 2024-2025 academic year on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 5:00pm.

Payment requests for the 2024-2025  academic year will close on Friday, May 23, 2025, at 5:00 pm.

If your Registered Student Organization has submitted a payment request and received a message that it required modifications for this academic year, you will need to make sure you have submitted all additional documentation necessary by Friday, May 30, 2025 by 5:00pm or you will not receive funding.

SFB will not process or review applications during the following dates listed below;

Fall 2024

  •  Labor Day September 2, 2024
  •  Election Day, November 5, 2024
  •  Thanksgiving Break- November 27th- December 1st , 2024
  •  Winter Break December 9, 2024, – January 3, 2025

Spring 2025 

  • Spring Applications will reopen for review on January 6, 2025
  • Martin Luther King Day- January 20, 2025
  • Spring Break- March 10th- Friday, March 14th, 2025

Step-by-Step Instructions

Learn: What does SFB fund?

Tier 1 RSOs can apply for event funds and non-event funds

  • Tier 1 RSOs can apply up to $3,000 for the academic year

 Tier 2 RSOs can apply for event funds, Non-Event purchases funds and travel funds.

  • Tier 2 RSOs can apply up to $6,000 for the academic year

RSOs must submit a separate application for each type of fund. For example, if an RSO wants to host an event in early September and some RSO members of the same group plan to attend a conference in mid-September, they would need to submit two separate applications. One SFB application for event funds and one SFB application for travel funds.

SFB Application Rubric

The SFB members will use a rubric to evaluate each funding request based on the SFB guidelines and George Mason University policies.  There are three rubrics, one for each category.

SFB has the right to question and not fund any items in the request that can cause the university liability, concern, or subject to additional review by the university risk management office. 

SFB Funds

Please Note:

  • Never pay for vendors, catering or performers out of pocket.
  • SFB will not reimburse for an item if the item was not approved in the application process first.


  • Open and accessible means that the event is on campus and students can attend the RSO event, even if they are not directly a member of the RSO.
  • RSOs must use Mason approved vendors for catering (list of approved caterers),  event supplies, Amazon connect with SI Budget,  printing services (list of approved printing contracts).
    • RSOs are required to ensure their event supplies are in compliance with the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order (EO) 77. Therefore, RSOs need to purchase sustainable food service items (e.g., cups, plates, napkins, utensils). No plastic bottles or utensils.  Please utilize your Student Funding Board requests as needed to ensure the extra costs are covered.  For any additional questions, please review the Mason Sustainability Council  website for what can and cannot be purchased

Food Safety Guidelines 

Food Terms

  • Catering is a service providing food and drink for your RSO members that includes when the vendor sets up, staffs, and cleans up at the actual event. Catering must be a George Mason approved vendor.
  • Business Meal is food, beverages, and/or meals for a group of people or at an event, where no service other than delivery or pickup is included.
  • Supplies- Food & Beverage- grocery store pre-packed food/beverages for a group of people at an event.


SFB Meal Per Diems

–   Breakfast: Maximum  $15 per person at the event

–   Lunch: Maximum $20 per person lunch at the event

–   Dinner: Maximum $30 per person dinner at the event

  • Performer/Vendor fees

SFB funding applications for Speakers, DJs, photographers, instructors, decorators, need to be submitted 30 days in advance of your event date due to these services needing a contract.


  • An honorarium is a one-time token gesture of appreciation for a special, non-recurring activity or event for which a fee is not legally or traditionally required. If payment is negotiated and agreed upon, it is considered a contractual agreement, not an honorarium.
  • Up to $500 maximum
  • Average honorarium at Mason is $175

Print Materials (flyers, posters, etc..)

George Mason Event Services

George Mason Police Fees

 On-campus parking for Non- George Mason affiliated guest

George  Mason owned facility space rentals (i.e. Center for the Arts, Mason Square, SciTech)

SFB Funds Non-Event Purchases

  • RSOs must use  George Mason approved vendors for catering (list of approved caterers), event supplies, Amazon purchases connect with SI Budget, printing services (list of approved printing contracts).
  • Non-event purchase items must have a place to be stored on campus i.e. designated storage lockers on campus or advisors office.
  • Non-event purchase items must be used for the entire academic year and beyond to have sustainable items for the RSO.
  • Your non-event items are at the discretion of the SFB student leader team and are not guaranteed to be approved for purchase.
  • Eligible Expenses Example
    • Equipment (e.g., computer parts, car parts, sporting goods supplies)

SFB Funds Travel

  • Limited to Tier 2 RSOs only
  • No travel expenses should be made prior to funding being allocated
  • Domestic travel only
  • Uploading the funding request a flyer, website, or email of the conference details i.e. agenda/schedule, location, and dates of the conference.
  • Presenting at a conference; must upload proof of acceptance of presentation to the SFB funding request
  • Maximum $1,000 per year and $500 per individual inclusive of conference fees
  • All travelers receiving funds must be an active member of the RSO listed on Mason360 and currently enrolled.
  • Full names and George Mason email address of travelers are required to be included in SFB application upon submission
  • In addition to the RSO President or Treasurer completing the SFB application, the RSO Advisor must complete the RSO Travel Advisor Approval Form 
  • SFB will not approve reimbursement if the funding application request was not approved before the purchase of the items or travel expenses.
  • SFB will not reimburse the RSO travel funding application request before the travel is approved. This is inclusive of conference registration fees.
  • If your funding for travel was approved, you wont’ receive the reimbursement until after the travel has been completed.
  • Eligible Expenses Examples
    • Transportation
    • Accommodation
    • Conference fee
    • Competition fees

Ineligible Travel Expenses

  • Hosting an event or social session at a conference
  • International Travel

SFB does NOT fund:

  • RSO branded, non-branded promotional items and give-a-aways
  • Events that are NOT free, open, and accessible to all students
  • Sales taxes- George Mason is a tax-exempt institution. Therefore, SFB will not approve quotes or reimbursements with the tax included. Out-of-state guidelines may differ.
  •  Events that are not within a 10-mile radius of a United States (US) GM campus (Fairfax,  George Mason Square, Sci-Tech)
  •  Formals/Banquets that are closed or designed specifically for the group applying
  •  Charity events, fundraisers, or an event that is collecting donations of any kind
  • Metro Card and/or SMART Trip Cards
  • Alchohol
  • National Dues
  • Insurance
  • On-Campus parking  for students and staff
  • Website domains and subscriptions
  • Locker/storage spaces on or off campus. Campus-items purchased with  SFB funding may not be stored in a personal space on or off campus.
  • Per the universities commitment to sustainability SFB is unable to fund items such as;
    • Plastic tablecloths
    • Balloons

Items purchased with SFB funding can be stored at the following locations;

Johson Center Lockers- fee assocaited

Student Involvement Lockers- free and first come, first serve 

RSO Advisors Office


(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Prepare: What do I need to do before I apply?

Step 1: Review SFB funding allocation limits, application deadlines & processing times
  • SFB Funding Allocation Limits
    • Tier 1: Up to $3,000
    • Tier 2: Up to $6,000 (Maximum $1,000 for Travel)
  • SFB Application Deadlines (Days = inclusive of weekends)
    • Events:
      • SFB requests requiring payment to Non- George Mason vendors that require contracts, honorariums, guest lecture agreements etc. are due 30 days before your event date.
        • Important: Contracts are due 30 days before the event. The final signed draft must be turned in 20 days before the event to the RSO Lead Team. 
      • SFB requests NOT requiring payment to Non-George Mason vendors that require contracts, honorariums, guest lecture agreements etc. are due 15 days before your event date.
    • Travel
    • Non-Event Purchases
      • SFB requests are due 15 days before the date you need the supplies. On the SFB funding application please indicate what date you need the non-event purchase items by.
    • Important: These deadlines have been developed based on the assumption that the initial SFB submission will meet all requirements without any revisions needed. If revisions are needed, this could impact the ability to approve funds on time.
Step 2: Calculate the due date to submit your SFB application
  • We strongly recommend you submit your application in advance. Do not wait until the last minute.
  • In order to determine your final day to submit your SFB application:
    • Use the application date calculator at
    • Put your event date in as the “start date”
    • Select subtract
    • Put in the 15 days or 30 days inclusive of weekends
    • Review SFB processing times and blackout dates
  • Example 1:
    • Your event date is Wednesday, September 20, 2024
      • Description: Dance festival
    • Does your SFB request require payment to Non- George Mason vendors that require contracts, honorariums, guest lecture agreements etc.?
      • Yes = 30 days deadline
    • Subtract: Wednesday, September 20, 2024 – 30 days = Monday, August 21, 2024
    • Final Verdict: The last day to submit the SFB request is Monday, August 21, 2024 by 11:59 PM.
Step 3: Confirm RSO Standing
  • Make sure your RSO  is in good standing as any organization found to have violated any SFB guidelines or University policy while utilizing SFB funds, may be subject to a funding freeze. Good standing means:
    • No outstanding debt with Student Involvement, any campus partners or off-campus vendors.
    • You may check with SI Budget at if you believe you’re in debt.
    • All trainings reviewed.
    • Fully registered.
Step 4: Review Collaboration Policy if two or more RSOs are contributing funds
  • All collaborating organizations contributing funds to an event and travel must submit one application for the cost of items that their organization(s) have agreed to purchase.
  • Organizations may pool available funds.
  • Large costs (catering/performer fees) can be split but should be notated in the SFB application.
  • There is no monetary benefit for collaborating with organizations at this time.
Step 5: Gather Documents
  • Events- please submit one funding application per event and travel
    • Proof of all costs (invoices, estimates, or screenshots of items being purchased)
    • If using Event Services or Sodexo Catering, you must include estimates in your application.
      • Make sure to reach out to these services at least a week in advance to your submission deadline.
    • Mason360 event creation (screenshot)
    • If on-campus event: 25live space confirmation (screenshot of confirmation email).
  • Non-Event Purchases
    • Proof of all costs (invoices, estimates, or screenshots of items being purchased).
  • Travel
    • Proof of all costs (invoices, estimates, or screenshots of items being purchased).
    • RSO Advisor to complete RSO Advisor Approval Form

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Apply: How do I apply?

To Apply
  • Log into Mason360
  • Go to your RSO page on Mason360
  • Click the Money Tab
  • Select Budgeting
  • Create a Budget Request
Detailed Instructions (How to locate the SFB application on Mason360)

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Check: Where do I check my SFB Application status?


The entire application process will now be through Mason360 including SFB communication.

  • Application Status
    • You will be able to see all of your approved requests and allocation amounts on your organization’s page on Mason360.
  • Communication
    • All communication regarding funding decisions and application questions will be through Mason360’s chat function.
    • Only the requester (RSO officer who submitted the SFB application) will receive/have access to the communication through Mason360.
    • SFB will initiate a review of your SFB Application via Mason360 within two business days. 
    • During peak times funding applications may take longer to review. Peak times can include but are not limited to our funding application blackout dates during the academic year and semester funding request deadlines. 

Groups will be notified of Student Funding Board application times.

Traditional Peak Times.

  • A week leading up to the university being closed for Thanksgiving Break.
  • A week before the university is closed for Winter Break.
  • The week after Spring Break as the end of the year is approaching


Should your organization receive an email from SFB resulting in a denial or reduction of funding, you may appeal the decision.

  • To appeal the President and/or Treasurer must reply to the message sent to your organization through Mason360 within two business days.
  • You will have an opportunity to update your application with the information required.

Things to consider when making an appeal:

  1. Make sure you’re within the Appeals time window.
  2. Once that information is submitted, the board members will review and get back to you with an updated decision.
  3. If you receive the updated allocation and approval, you will be able to move forward with the planning for your event.

Note: If you’re going through the appeals process, you should not be advertising your event. Advertising can begin once you have secured the funds necessary to support your event.

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Complete: How do I spend the allocated SFB money?

Now that you have been approved for funds, you must make a payment request through Mason360. SFB does not make the payments.

To make a payment request:

  1. Log into Mason360
  2. Go to your RSO page on Mason360
  3. Click on Budget
  4. View your SFB Allocations and approval status
  5. Click “Request Payment” next to approved item
  6. Follow the Instructions

Detailed Instructions: How to submit an RSO Spending Request on Mason360

For questions on the Spending request process, please reach out to the Business Manager at Student Involvement at

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Submit: Are there any follow-up actions?

  • After the event, submit original receipts and all documentation to the Business Manager in Student Involvement through the RSO Spending Request Form on Mason360.
Non-Event Purchases
  • After use, store permanent items (e.g., equipment) at Department approved on-campus storage site.
  • After travel, submit original receipts and all documentation to the Business Manager in Student Involvement through the RSO Spending Request Form on Mason360 for reimbursements.

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)


  • SFB will not approve reimbursement if the funding application request was not approved before the purchase of the items or travel expenses.
  • SFB will not reimburse the RSO travel funding application request before the travel is approved. This is inclusive of conference registration fees.
  • If your funding for travel was approved, you will not receive the reimbursement until after the travel has been completed.


What are Tier 1 and Tier 2 allocation amounts?

  • Tier 1 can be allocated up to $3,000 for the entire academic year
  • Tier 2 can be allocated up to $6,000 for the entire academic year
  • You have up to those amounts to be allocated for the entire academic year. Each time you get an approval for allocation, it goes towards that amount total for the academic year.
My organization is a Registered Student Organization (RSO). Is there money automatically in my account each year?
  • No. RSOs do not have SFB money automatically in their accounts each year. RSOs must APPLY for funding for any expense PRIOR to the expense taking place.  RSOs who do collect dues, sponsor fundraisers, receive donations/sponsors, etc. may have funds available in their off-campus accounts to use towards their expenses.
I submitted an application, does that mean I automatically received those funds?
  • No. Groups that submit applications do not automatically receive funds. You must wait to spend money until you have received a status update on funds via Mason360 Chat from the Student Funding Board (SFB) stating how much your organization has been awarded (if any) and how it can be spent. If you spend money prior to approval, you risk not getting reimbursed for those expenses.
What happens if I spend money without having funds allocated through SFB?
  • Your organization’s account will be put on hold and no business will be allowed to take place. The hold will remain until the organization deposits funds into your on-campus account to offset the negative balance. You cannot use SFB funds to pay off debt. Contact for additonal instructions.
How do I change the date of my event?
  • Email to let them know the new date. Events can always be pushed back, but they might not be able to be moved forward due to funding deadlines. Also, make sure that you let the services you might have booked (i.e. Catering, Events Production, Police) know that you have changed your date.
How do I let SFB know that an event has been canceled and SFB funds are no longer needed?
  • Email to let them know the event has been canceled. Also, make sure that you let the services you might have booked (i.e., Catering, Events Production, Police) know that you have canceled your event. Also, be aware that some offices that you book services through have cancellation deadlines. Make sure your organization pays attention to those deadlines, so you do not receive a fine.
What happens over the holiday breaks with SFB requests (i.e. Thanksgiving, Spring Break)?
  • SFB will not be processing during our black-out dates.
How far in advance can you apply for funding for an event?
  • The further in advance, the better! You must submit by the deadline:
    • SFB Application Deadlines
      • Events:
        • SFB requests requiring payment to Non- George Mason vendors that require contracts, honorariums, guest lecture agreements etc. are due 30 days before your event date.
        • SFB requests NOT requiring payment to Non- George Mason vendors that require contracts, honorariums, guest lecture agreements etc. are due 15 days before your event date.
      • Travel
      • Non-Event Purchases
        • SFB requests are due 15 days before the date you need the supplies.
      • Please refer back to the 2024-2025 processing times at the top of our website
After I receive my allocation from SFB, how do I access the funds?
  • Depending on what you applied for to receive funds it will impact how you access these funds. Please reference the RSO Self-Service Center under the Forms & Resources tab to learn more about the spending request process.
  • You are responsible for arranging all payments. Never pay for vendors, caterers, or performers out of pocket. Email with any questions.
  • SFB will not reimburse for an item if the item was not approved in the application process first.
Are there certain vendors I have to use?

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Forms & Handouts

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

SFB Application Rubric

The Student Funding Board (SFB) members will use a rubric to evaluate each funding request based on SFB guidelines and George Mason policies.  

There are three rubrics, one for each funding category: 

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments for the Student Funding Board, visit us at our office hours (M-F, 9 am – 5 pm) in the Student Involvement Office located in The Hub Room 2300, or email us at

You may also request a virtual meeting with SFB via email at 

or connect with Sara Heming, Associate Director at 

(Return to SFB step-by-step instructions menu)