Annual Events = Mason Traditions

Click on a picture below to learn more. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook for more updates!

Students taking selfie with Mason patriot


Picture of students waving their glow sticks.

Club 4400

Picture of students at Mason Mayhem

Mason Mayhem

IVth Night

Picture of students at Fairfax campus.

Get Connected Fair

Mason in Color

Picture of students wearing Gold Rush t-shirts

Gold Rush

Homecoming Headliner

Queen Naija performs at Mason Day 2019.

George’s Jam – Concert on the Lawn

Students make snowman on the Fairfax campus.

Winter Welcome Week

Homecoming Celebration

Picture of students playing game

Geek Week

Picture of students posing at the Game mason banner


International Week flags in the Johnson Center

International Week

Picture of students participating in a game

Greek Week

Picture of two women holding an award

Distinguished Quill Awards

Students of the Hispanic Student Association paint a bench outside SUB 1 at Fairfax Campus.

Bench Painting Party

Mason Day!