Bench Painting Party
Tuesday, May 6, 2025: 9am-5pm

Wondering where the 59 RSO benches in SUB1 Quad come from?
Join Student Involvement, Sherwin Williams, and our registered student organizations as they paint benches to reflect their own unique identity!


Bench Painting is a tradition and a way of honoring and marketing our Registered Student Organizations here at George Mason University. Each year, the RSO Lead Team and Student Involvement allocates the available benches to the organizations that apply based on the timeliness of their application as well as the academic and leadership-based merits presented by the RSO Leadership in the application.

Requirements to be awarded a bench:

  • Re-registration for the following Fall is required to secure a bench.
  • In order for your organization to be eligible to paint a bench, it must be in good standing with the Student Involvement, University Events, Office of Student Conduct, Student Centers, and Events Management.
  • If a bench had been awarded the past year to the RSO, they will be automatically added to the waitlist to ensure RSOs have a chance to be represented
  • Completion of the application: a strong design represented on the Bench Design Form with thoughtful explanation entered into the Mason360 application, describing how the design enhances the group’s mission statement. Please see the bench painting rubric below.
  • Designs submitted must be recreated on the assigned bench. If a design is changed without prior approval from the RSO Lead Team or is not painted within the allotted timeline, the bench will be forfeited and awarded to a group on the waitlist. 

Rain Date: May 7, 2025

The Mason360 SUBI Bench Painting Application will be open  Nov 1st (8am) and closes Feb 12, 2025* (4pm).

We strongly suggest each group submits fully rendered drawings and thought-out applications.

Contact the RSO Lead Team with any questions at [email protected].

Mason360 Save the Date:

*Submissions are rated individually, not in comparison to other designs submitted.






The explanation consists of one sentence or less and lacks detail regarding the relevance of the design to the RSO’s mission.

The explanation consists of approximately one paragraph and effectively connects the design of the RSO’s mission.

The RSO has provided a well-structured paragraph that articulately conveys the significance of the design and its relevance to the RSO’s mission.

Design Effort

The design has not fully utilized all sides of the bench. It appears to lack sufficient creative effort. Additionally, the design does not demonstrate a clear alignment with the RSO’s mission.

The design effectively utilizes the majority of the bench space. Considerable effort has been invested in its creation. Furthermore, the design aligns well with the RSO’s mission.

The design makes effective use of the majority of the bench surface. It is well articulated, demonstrating a significant amount of effort in its development. Furthermore, the design is clearly aligned with the mission of the RSO.

Design Feasibility

The design is not feasible, and it is unlikely that the RSO  will be able to replicate it onto the bench.
i.e. a photograph or stock image pasted onto the bench.

The design is generally feasible; however, there may be certain elements that could present challenges when being implemented in a practical setting.

The design can be seamlessly adapted for the bench and is entirely feasible for the RSO to implement the painting.

*Schedule is an estimate, updates will be emailed to painters

Starting at 9am: RSO painters will check in at the tent on SUBI Quad and receive the materials to paint their assigned bench the base colors and for design.

3 Hours is the minimal time for the base coat to dry before the design should be added

12pm: Lunch for painters is available. Mason ID check-in required for food and drinks.

4:30pm: Clean-Up begins for the Student Involvement Office

5pm: All groups needing to continue painting or to come back may retain their supplies and come back at a later time.

  • Benches are painted the base color by the RSO painters early morning of Bench Painting.
  • The Bench Painting Party is scheduled each Spring during the first reading Day (rain date is the following Reading Day).
  • Groups who are awarded a bench to paint in Spring will be contacted at the end of April to ensure they have re-registered for the following academic year.
  • Co-Sponsored with Sherwin Williams  – a fantastic partnership with their amazing team!
  • Sherwin Williams provides the paint materials. Outdoors Acrylic
    • We have been assured that any other types of paints to help embellish the benches should be ok, since the benches are painted each year.
    • If you use your own paint, ensure you top coat the paint if it is water soluble.
  • If you see damage to the bench during the year, please contact our office ASAP to have this remedied.
  • You may request paint supplies for touch-ups during the year if the bench is showing more than normal wear and tear (no drastic design changes).
  • Selection of awarded RSOs includes a review of the proposed design and how the bench design enhances the significance of the RSO’s mission.
    • Please do not copy and paste the mission statement. This does not explain how the design will enhance the RSO’s reach to the students entering the SUBI Quad.
    • Please see the below
    • Please review the Free Speech at Mason website.
  • Designs submitted must be recreated on the assigned bench. If a design is changed without prior approval from the RSO Lead Team or is not painted within the allotted timeline, the bench will be forfeited and the RSO will not be able to apply for a bench the following year.
  • Fraternity and Sorority Life holds 9 benches and may have repeated organizations from year to year due to their number of groups
  • RSOs (including club sports) are assigned the other 50 benches
    • Does not include Department Organizations
    • Our team will place RSOs who held a bench the previous year on the waitlist

1Eighty Christian Fellowship

Alpha Kappa Psi

American Marketing Association

American Society of Civil Engineers at George Mason University

Best Buddies at Mason

Book Buzz

Chemistry Club

Chess Club at George Mason University

Chinese Student Association at George Mason University

Computer Science Club

Counselors for Social Justice at Mason

Crochet For A Cause

Democrats at Mason

Emergency Medical Services Club

EPIC Movement

F1rst Gen @ Mason

Filipino Cultural Association at George Mason University

Food Recovery Network at George Mason University

Formula Watch

Geography Club at Mason

Geology Club

George Mason Crew Club

George Mason Fencing Club


Hispanic Latine Leadership Alliance

International Student Organization

Iraqi Student Association

Japanese Student Association

Lebanese Student Association

Masters of Social Work Student Association at George Mason University

Model United Nations

Model World Health Organization

Moroccan American Student Association


No Lost Generation at George Mason

Pokémon Club at George Mason University

Pre-Optometry Club

Pre-Veterinary Club

RobotX at George Mason University

RUF Home Abroad

Society for the Study of Religion

Students Helping Honduras

Swifties at Mason

The Anthropology Club at George Mason

The Recreational Golf Club at Mason

The Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement

Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity

Turkish Student Association at Mason

Urbanknowlogy 101

Women’s Club Soccer

Afghan Student Union
All for Anime
Alpha Kappa Chi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi Omega
American Cancer Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers at George Mason University
Bengali Patriots Association
Bhangra at Mason
Biomedical Engineering Society
Black Student Alliance
Brazilian Student Association at Mason (BRASA)
Caribbean Student Association
Central Asian and Caucasus at GMU
Club Field Hockey
Coptic Orthodox Christian Association
Culinary Club
Delta Sigma Theta
Dungeons and Dragons
Educators Rising Collegiate
Engineer’s for International Development
Every Nation Campus
Financial Planning Association
Folklore Roundtable
Formula SAE at Mason
Freedom Connection: A Fair Trade and Anti Trafficking Coalition
French Club
George Mason Club Archery
Girls Who Code at George Mason University
Italian Club at Mason
Kappa Phi Gamma
Kappa Phi Lambda
Korean Calligraphy Club
Korean-American Student Association
Kurdish Student Organization
Lambda Alpha Epsilon
Muslim Students’ Association
National Organization of the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers
Patriot Pitches
Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Physics and Astronomy Society at Mason
Planned Parenthood Generation Action
Reign Model Troupe
Student Organ Donation Advocates at George Mason University
Students for Justice in Palestine
Students for Life at Mason
Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Águilas Mentoring Program
Venture Capital and Private Equity Club
Volunteers Around the World- Dental Outreach
Weather Club at Mason
Zeta Phi Beta
Zeta Tau Alpha

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Psi
American Medical Women’s Association
American Society of Civil Engineers at George Mason University
Be The Change
Black Justice Association
Book Buzz
Camp Kesem
Catholic Campus Ministry
Chi Omega
Chinese Cultural Club
Circle K International at GMU
Corazones Unidos Siempre/Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority Incorporated
DanceWorks at Mason
Democrats at Mason
F1rst Gen @ Mason
Filipino Cultural Association at George Mason University
Friends of the Observatory
Game Analysis and Design Interest Group
Girl Up at George Mason University
Hispanic Student Association (Latine Student Association)
Illustrators at Mason
International Council on Systems Engineering at Mason
Japanese Student Association
Kappa Delta Sorority
MakeNew Christian Fellowship (1Eighty Christian Fellowship)
Masters of Social Work Student Association at George Mason University
My Natural Inc.
National Art Education Association Student Chapter
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Patriot PIRG
Phi Alpha Delta
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Native American and Indigenous Alliance
RUF Home Abroad
Noteworthy Women’s A Cappella
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers at George Mason University
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Underwater Hockey
Student Nurses’ Association
Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Campers, Korean Campus Ministry
Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity
Turning Point USA
Urbanknowlogy 101
Young Democratic Socialists at Mason

Visit the George Mason University Photo Library for more photos!

Past Bench Painting Images

Afghan Student Union
All for Anime
Alpha Kappa Chi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi Omega
American Cancer Society
American Society of Mechanical Engineers at George Mason University
Bengali Patriots Association
Bhangra at Mason
Biomedical Engineering Society
Black Student Alliance
Brazilian Student Association at Mason (BRASA)
Caribbean Student Association
Central Asian and Caucasus at GMU
Club Field Hockey
Coptic Orthodox Christian Association
Culinary Club
Delta Sigma Theta
Dungeons and Dragons
Educators Rising Collegiate
Engineer’s for International Development
Every Nation Campus
Financial Planning Association
Folklore Roundtable
Formula SAE at Mason
Freedom Connection: A Fair Trade and Anti Trafficking Coalition
French Club
George Mason Club Archery
Girls Who Code at George Mason University
Italian Club at Mason
Kappa Phi Gamma
Kappa Phi Lambda
Korean Calligraphy Club
Korean-American Student Association
Kurdish Student Organization
Lambda Alpha Epsilon
Muslim Students’ Association
National Organization of the Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
National Society of Black Engineers
Patriot Pitches
Phi Beta Sigma
Phi Delta Theta
Physics and Astronomy Society at Mason
Planned Parenthood Generation Action
Reign Model Troupe
Student Organ Donation Advocates at George Mason University
Students for Justice in Palestine
Students for Life at Mason
Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Águilas Mentoring Program
Venture Capital and Private Equity Club
Volunteers Around the World- Dental Outreach
Weather Club at Mason
Zeta Phi Beta
Zeta Tau Alpha

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Kappa Psi
American Medical Women’s Association
American Society of Civil Engineers at George Mason University
Be The Change
Black Justice Association
Book Buzz
Camp Kesem
Catholic Campus Ministry
Chi Omega
Chinese Cultural Club
Circle K International at GMU
Corazones Unidos Siempre/Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority Incorporated
DanceWorks at Mason
Democrats at Mason
F1rst Gen @ Mason
Filipino Cultural Association at George Mason University
Friends of the Observatory
Game Analysis and Design Interest Group
Girl Up at George Mason University
Hispanic Student Association (Latine Student Association)
Illustrators at Mason
International Council on Systems Engineering at Mason
Japanese Student Association
Kappa Delta Sorority
MakeNew Christian Fellowship (1Eighty Christian Fellowship)
Masters of Social Work Student Association at George Mason University
My Natural Inc.
National Art Education Association Student Chapter
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Patriot PIRG
Phi Alpha Delta
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Native American and Indigenous Alliance
RUF Home Abroad
Noteworthy Women’s A Cappella
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc.
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers at George Mason University
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Underwater Hockey
Student Nurses’ Association
Tau Kappa Epsilon
The Campers, Korean Campus Ministry
Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity
Turning Point USA
Urbanknowlogy 101
Young Democratic Socialists at Mason

Visit the George Mason University Photo Library for more photos!

Past Bench Painting Images