Bench Painting Party
Tuesday, May 6, 2025: 9am-5pm
Wondering where the 59 RSO benches in SUB1 Quad come from?
Join Student Involvement, Sherwin Williams, and our registered student organizations as they paint benches to reflect their own unique identity!
Bench Painting is a tradition and a way of honoring and marketing our Registered Student Organizations here at George Mason University. Each year, the RSO Lead Team and Student Involvement allocates the available benches to the organizations that apply based on the timeliness of their application as well as the academic and leadership-based merits presented by the RSO Leadership in the application.
Requirements to be awarded a bench:
- Re-registration for the following Fall is required to secure a bench.
- In order for your organization to be eligible to paint a bench, it must be in good standing with the Student Involvement, University Events, Office of Student Conduct, Student Centers, and Events Management.
- If a bench had been awarded the past year to the RSO, they will be automatically added to the waitlist to ensure RSOs have a chance to be represented
- Completion of the application: a strong design represented on the Bench Design Form with thoughtful explanation entered into the Mason360 application, describing how the design enhances the group’s mission statement. Please see the bench painting rubric below.
- Designs submitted must be recreated on the assigned bench. If a design is changed without prior approval from the RSO Lead Team or is not painted within the allotted timeline, the bench will be forfeited and awarded to a group on the waitlist.
Rain Date: May 7, 2025
The Mason360 SUBI Bench Painting Application will be open Nov 1st (8am) and closes Feb 12, 2025* (4pm).
We strongly suggest each group submits fully rendered drawings and thought-out applications.
Contact the RSO Lead Team with any questions at [email protected].
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